Relocation services

Experience a smooth move to Madrid with our all-encompassing relocation services.

From finding your perfect new home to managing logistical details, we ensure a seamless moving, focus on what truly matters.

Say good bye to paperwork stress.

We streamline bureaucratic procedures, saving you time and effort, and guaranteeing compliance with legal requirements in your new country.

Uncover the serenity of having a personal admin by your side

We’re here to simplify your life and ensure a smooth adjustment to your new environment.

Our Story

Your Journey to Success in Madrid

Aurora in Madrid is your reliable partner for international relocation, offering comprehensive support to make the process smooth and enjoyable. Led by Aurora Ferrer, a Spanish citizen with extensive global living experience, the team provides personalized assistance services tailored to your unique needs.


See why customers love us

Alicia B

I highly recommend Aurora. She can help you navigate through the often overwhelming process of moving to Madrid. I am a fluent Spanish speaker and her help was still priceless, as she knows the processes here in-depth and always finds a way to achieve the objective, eg, getting an appointment (cita previa), connecting with the right authority, finding a home, a school, the list goes on…. She is resourceful, clever, professional, and kind. Aurora is a treasure!

Hilary LL

Aurora helped my family of 5 with the tricky process of getting first our household goods into Spain, and then our TIEs (kids born abroad, self-employed etc – it was not simple!). She helped me find a fantastic school for my son outside of the usual application period. She is super friendly and helpful, very knowledgeable and always available on WhatsApp. Perfect English. I would definitely recommend her if you are struggling with any aspect of Spain’s fiendishly complicated bureaucracy!

M Miller

I used Aurora when I relocated from California to Madrid two years ago.
She was so amazing that I ended up using her on a daily basis for personal assistant work.
Never in my life have I found anyone more honest, capable, hard-working and dedicated. She helped with my move back to the United States, sold all my furniture and Car, helped me pack and tied up all loose ends in Spain for me after I had left. I wish she would’ve moved back to the states with me because I have yet to meet someone else like her!
Not only was she a great employee but she became a great friend.

J Massoudi

Thank you for all your hard work! We can certainly highly recommend your professional services and dedication to your work.